Thursday, December 27, 2012

White Hair Treatment...!

White Hair Treatment – 1
Collect an ash from firing the goat horns and add this ash to the Sesame seed oil. Now apply this mixture to the hair regularly can make your white hair to black hair soon. This is one of the traditional white hair to black hair treatment.
White Hair Treatment – 2
Just collected fresh Bhringaraja leaves juice must be made first, then mix with Triphala churna and make a fine form of paste. Now apply this paste to the hair smoothly, which will helps to make your white hair into pure black.
Make sure that this paste must be made, whenever you need it. Never use the stored one.
White Hair Treatment – 3
If you have applied Neem oil to the hair continuously about 2 months and using as nosil drops can helps to make your hair into black. Neem oil is the well known white hair treatment oil since olden days.
White Hair Treatment – 4
Take 10 to 20 grams of holy basil leaves, same quantity of dry gooseberry and make a fine form of paste by rubbing together on floor. Now mix this paste with lemon juice. By applying this mixture to the white hair becomes black in a short span of time. This is one of the well known ayurvedic treatment for white hair.
White Hair Treatment – 5
Applying the cow ghee daily in the night and rub the bottom of the feet with bronze glass gently is a one of the traditional treatment to blacken the white hair.
White Hair Treatment – 6
Extract oil from “Sebastian Plum” lentils, Using of this oil for Nasya and Abhyanga helps to blacken hair. This is one of the very traditional Indian herb used for the treatment of white hair.
Nasya – Using of Oil as nose drops.
Abhyanga – Full body oil massage. This is one of the most important tools in Ayurveda, which will acts as a most powerful recharger and rejuvenator of your mind and body.
White Hair Treatment
Take same quantities of “Sage – Leaved Alangium” flowers, Bhringaraj leaves, Kaluva Dhumpa and add twice Sesame seed oil to it. Now heat all these items till it becomes good mixture of oil. Later filter this oil with the help of plain cloth.
Applying of this oil to hair roots and giving a smooth massage helps to make white hair to black hair naturally.
This is well known Ayurvedic treatment for white hair.