Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Benifits of HONEY


The sticky sweet stuff of bees isn't just something to add a little
flavor to your tea-- it's nature's very own elixir for a much
healthier life-- one that you and I undoubtedly do not have. So, the
next time you decide to swat a bee, take some time to appreciate the
little stinger and all its hard work.

1. Honey can make you younger! Or at least look it.
Honey contains antioxidants, which basically reverse aging by
neutralizing the free radicals our body releases during oxidation.
If that's too complicated, think of it this way: free radicals can
damage our body, but honey and its antioxidants clean up all these
icky radicals, and heal the body in so many ways. The darker the
honey, the more antioxidants it contains.

2. Honey can make you sexy.
Honey goes down easily, and for people with digestive problems, this
is one medicine you definitely won't mind having a spoonfull of!
Although it contains more calories than table sugar, it eases the
digestive system by breaking down energy calories faster-- so, you
get twice the amount of energy, and twice the amount of power to
burn it all out! Diarrhea and stomach flu are common ailments, and
honey's antibacterial and moisture-retaining properties help flush
out all the bad stuff that's been plaguing you.

3. Honey makes your immune system mighty.
Honey is a natural energizer, and aside from providing energy when
you need it most, it also helps strengthen the immune system by
shielding it against bacteria that can cause colds and flu. Cough
and sore throats can also be easily cured with some warm honey and
lemon, because its antimicrobial properties kill the germs breeding
in your mouth while soothing the irritated area at the same time.

4. Honey is nature's band aid.
Honey is a natural antiseptic. Apply a little warm honey on a cut,
wound, or burn and the antimicrobial agents in it will prevent
infections and promote skin growth. Bacteria doesn't survive in
honey, so you'll be far away from gangrene if you've got a little
pot of the sweet stuff lying around!

5. Honey makes your skin glow and your hair shine.
Honey has the incredible ability of trapping in moisture, one thing
we definitely need if dull hair and skin are a problem! Asides from
healing the body from the inside, the moisture that honey attracts
feeds our skin cells and promotes tissue growth. Using it as a
facial mask or a hair conditioner is like providing yourself with a
boost of nutrients that can help restore and heal drying areas. A
little honey every day will make you bloom in no time!

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